To be honest, what I believe is irrelevant. Often times, beliefs are just fancy opinions. And we know what they say about opinions…they’re like armpits. Everyone has them; and some of them really stink.
But what is true? The Bible tells us what is true. And here is what it says about you and what it says about me.
What I Believe
1. We fall short of God’s requirement for perfection. {Romans 3:23, James 2:10}
Everyone sins. Everyone. {We often do wrong when we should do right, and we don’t do right when we should.}
But God is Holy. He requires absolute and complete perfection in order to live with Him in Heaven. Simply put, our “good” will never be good enough. Perfection is the requirement. We don’t stand a chance no matter how “good” we think we are.
2. The payment for sin is death. {Romans 6:23a}
Essentially, the fruit of our sin is death. Death here on earth as well as eternal death, which is separation from God. Because God is holy, sin has to be judged. Sin has a payment. That payment is death.
3. God would rather be our Father than our Judge. {Romans 6:23b, Romans 5:8, Ephesians 2:8-9, John 3:16}
God wants us to be His children, but He knew we could never be good enough to fulfill the requirements of His Holiness.
Instead of just throwing His Hands up and saying, “Oh well,” He sent Jesus to die and pay for our sin problem.
Jesus lived the perfect life {that we could never live} and died the perfect death. He conquered death by rising again. He did his all for you and me. Jesus fulfilled all of the requirements perfectly, which satisfied God’s holiness and His wrath.
The best thing about what Jesus did is that it’s a GIFT.
4. Each us can accept His FREE gift. {Romans 10:9-10, 1 John 1:8-9, Colossians 1:21-22}
No one can make this decision for you. Not your parents. Not your grandparents. Not your spouse.
God wants us each to come to a place where we realize our brokenness and our need for Him. More than that, we must understand that our brokenness has made us enemies of God. We must confess our sins and ask forgiveness. It might sound something like:*
Dear God,
I admit that I am broken. I cannot be “good enough” to match your requirement of holiness. I am an enemy of yours. But I believe that you sent Jesus to live and die perfectly in my place. I ask that you forgive me of my sin. I ask that you come into my life and teach me what it is to be your child.
In Jesus’ Name,
*There’s nothing “magical” about a prayer. God sees the heart of the person and if they really mean it.
5. We can be SURE of eternal life. {Romans 10:13, Colossians 1:21-22}
Anyone who calls on the Name of the Lord is saved. If we confess our brokenness to Him, ask forgiveness, and accept the FREE gift of Jesus, He is faithful to forgive us and restore us. We become friends and children of God! Hallelujah!
If you read this page and have honest questions about what it means to follow Jesus, please feel free to email me. I welcome honest questions {not arguments and hateful emails}.