Are you having trouble printing and/or downloading the resources from Alive and Growing at Home? Try some of these tricks!
Where do I download the free printables?
Scroll down towards the BOTTOM of the post and look for the green, download box that looks like this:
Downloading & Printing Tips
1. Make sure you have downloaded and installed the newest version of Adobe Reader. You will need to open all the PDF files with Adobe Reader, so be sure your Adobe Reader is current and is set as your default for opening my files.
2. Try another internet browser. Internet Explorer tends to be the one that causes the most problems, so try to avoid it, if possible. Chrome usually works better, but others may include Mozilla Firefox or Safari.
3. Need to download a zip file? {My Phonics by the Book curriculum current has zip files.}Be sure you have a program for unzipping files on your computer before you try.
4. Save the file directly to your computer.* Right click on the green download image that says, “Download the free printable HERE,” and save the file directly to your computer. Make sure you pick the folder you want to save to so you’re not searching for it after it’s downloaded.
*This trick also seems to work if you are unable to get dotted lines to print from your PDF.
5. Got black boxes around the clip art? Here are two tips:
1- Make sure you download with the newest version of Adobe Reader.
2- Save the PDF to your device. Print the PDF from your SAVED copy, not the preview of the file.
6. If you’re trying to access printables from a school or work computer, sometimes their servers block my site and/or the downloads. Try from home or ask your IT person if you’re having trouble.
7. Some of my free printables require you to enter your email to snag them. These will sometimes be difficult. Be sure you’re using Chrome. If you’re already a subscriber, entering your email address to access a printable WILL NOT subscribe you twice.
*If you have tried these tricks and are still having trouble downloading or printing, please contact me at becky {at} aliveandgrowingathome {dot} com. I will try to help any way that I can, but please note that I am unable to email files to people.
I hope that helps!